Tag Archives: Ghost

A quiet Thursday

I’m still waiting for the insurance documents for the Nissan Patrol to arrive in the post so I can tax it and collect it. I’m having a very annoying problem with the main pc, the latest updates from Symantec live update are causing severe problems with the status application continuously accessing the hard disk. It’s also then impossible to access any of the Norton applications. Booting from the Ghost 10 CD and restoring the C drive from the latest back up is the only solution. A selective update from Symantec live update, without selecting the program updates is working as an interim measure.

A lovely Wednesday

A bright sunny day. A visit from the Yell rep this morning to talk about Yellow Pages advertising. David called in and I ended up buying him breakfast at the bakery in the village (again!), he has a streaming cold. Installed Ghost 10 on the main computer this afternoon and it’s been running most of the day creating new images and restore points to the new additional external hard disk.

Welsh class this evening and I’ve now completed all the assessments for this year. 🙂