Tag Archives: Bright Sunny Day

A wet and dreary Wednesday

An overcast and wet day. The roof and window blinds have been fitted in the conservatory and it makes a big difference to the light and temperature, just need a bright sunny day now to be able to properly judge the improvement.

Welsh class this evening, it’s proving difficult once again to get back into the swing of it following the long summer break but Julie is giving us plenty of practice speaking in various tenses and using all those tricky mutations that are a feature of the language.

Andrew dropped in their selection of images for their Jorgensen wedding album last night and I’ve been working on the initial album design, it’s taking shape very nicely.

A lovely Wednesday

A bright sunny day. A visit from the Yell rep this morning to talk about Yellow Pages advertising. David called in and I ended up buying him breakfast at the bakery in the village (again!), he has a streaming cold. Installed Ghost 10 on the main computer this afternoon and it’s been running most of the day creating new images and restore points to the new additional external hard disk.

Welsh class this evening and I’ve now completed all the assessments for this year. 🙂